
Reporting Sickness

If you cannot make it into work, inform Adaptable Travel by calling Matt or Kerry no later than 09:00am on the day of the absence or as soon as is reasonably possible (we suggest adding numbers to your mobile). If you cannot get hold of Matt or Kerry, you must voicemail.

Long-term Sickness

If the absence extends beyond 7 continuous days (including non-working days), the Employee will obtain and provide the Employer with a ‘fit note’ (formerly known as a sick note) from your doctor, physiotherapist, podiatrist or occupational therapist. Fit notes are free if an employee has been ill for more than 7 days when they ask for one. The fit note will say the employee is either ‘not fit for work’ or ‘may be fit for work’.

Sick Pay

During such absence the Employer will pay the Employee the Employee’s full pay as contractual sick pay, provided that the Employer will pay a maximum of £500.00 GBP to the Employee as contractual sick pay in any 12-month period, the period commencing on the first day for which the Employee is paid contractual sick pay.

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