
Telphone Numbers

Adaptable Travel Main Number: 01451 832133

Adaptable Travel Emergency Phone: 01242 908854

Telephone System is via MS Teams Viice.

There are a few exceptions / other numbers as follows:

Deb: Deb Mob 07827 914274

Ian Mob: 07900 690062

Matt Mob: 07824 661129

Email Addresses

Email addresses all follow the following format: (e.g.

Forms from the website go to:

We also have finance@ operations@ and suppliers@

Admin Info

Full Legal Name: Adaptable Travel Limited

Address: The Lodge, Condicote, Cheltenham, GL54 1EY


ATOL: 6870

Bank Details:

Barclays Bank, 128 High Street Branch, Cheltenham, GL50 1EY

Sort code 20.20.15

Account Number 00106364

VAT Number: GB 655969376

Company Registered Number: 02913036

D-U-N-S Number: 73-462-3564

IBAN: GB23 BUKB 2020 1500 1063 64

Working Hours

  • Currently the ‘open’ hours are 9-5, Monday to Friday
  • We offer some flexibility with this however we need to ensure there is always adequate cover for the phones
  • You will each have individual hours per week subject to adhere to.
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