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About Our School Trips for
Getting out into the field is fundamental to Geographers. Field trips are an opportunity for students to truly understand the numerous types of processes, functions, patterns and systems that they have learnt in the classroom. There is simply no better way to learn about Geography and environmental issues than to get out into the real world and see it first-hand. Adaptable Travel can recommend the best itineraries to make your trip happen and provide the ultimate getaway for new discoveries.
Explore the World's Natural Wonders
A geography trip can not only provide field studies techniques and case study material, but it will undoubtedly offer inspirational experiences and lasting memories that are sure to inspire future generations of geologists, environmentalists and scientists!
From tourism and sustainability issues in the Costa Brava, to plate tectonics and volcanism in Sicily] (/tour/sicily-geography)and [Sorrento and Vesuvius to going on the ultimate geography school trip to Iceland. Our Geography school trips are ideal for all pupils from KS3-5 offering a range of destination with curriculum focused visits. Each school trip is designed to bring out the interests of students in geographical knowledge and encourage their appreciation of the earth's natural wonders.
Plan Your Itinerary with Our Travel Experts
Do you want to explore the stunning ice fields and alpine meadows of the Dachstein Glacier? Do you plan to visit the breath-taking views of the Blue Lagoon? Do you want to go on a hike on some of the most dramatic sceneries of Iceland? No matter where you want to go, Adaptable Travel will guide you through every educational adventure. We plan itineraries that are relevant to your curriculum, so you can explore new destinations for every subject – from Geography to Natural Sciences.
Expect More Geography Trips to Come with Adaptable Travel
Adaptable Travel continues to discover unique destinations to provide more opportunities and choices for those who are planning school geography trips. Our experienced travel specialists recommend ideas to make school trips more exciting, inspiring and innovative for both students and teachers.