Tyne Cot Cemetery

Tyne Cot Cemetery is located 9 Kms north-east of Ieper town centre, and consists of both a cemetery and memorial. The name Tyne Cot is derived from the name given by the Northumberland Fusillers to a barn which once stood near the Passchendaele-Broodseinde level crossing. This barn had become the centre for five German blockhouses, which was captured by the 3rd Australian Division on 4 October 1917.
Today, Tyne Cot Cemetery is the resting place of 11,954 Commonwealth Soldiers and is the largest Commonwealth military cemetery in the world. Each grave is marked with a simple headstone hewn from White Portland Stone. Standing tall and arranged in straight rows to signify soldiers on parade, Tyne Cot Cemetery is a place of peace and tranquillity.