The California Academy of Sciences

The California Academy of Sciences
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Officially the world's 'greenest musuem', this gigantic attraction re-opened in 2008 after a whopping $485 building project. It is home to an aquarium, the world's deepest Philippine Coral Reef, the only all-digital aquarium in the world, a four storey rainforst canopy and a Natural History Museum - all under one huge 2.5 acre roof! The museum offers ome excellent bespoke tours for educational groups, which allow you to explore the infrastructure which make this the greenest museum on the planet,

This add-on is available as part of package tour with Adaptable Travel. Note, we do not offer daytrips.
TourTrust - Risk Category
Moderate Risk
Elevated Risk
Water Immersion
We risk assess every tour add-on in line with our TourTrust school tour safety system. Find out more.
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