Steve Smith - Guide

Steve Smith - Guide
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Battlefield school trips guide.

Steve joined the Royal Air Force in 1985 and served for 18 years as an RAF Police NCO at various bases in the UK and abroad and completed tours in Northern Ireland, the Falklands and in Macedonia on a NATO Peace Keeping mission in 2002.

Having left the RAF in 2003, Steve became a police officer in January 2004 serving with Norfolk Constabulary where he started out as a response officer working in Great Yarmouth. After five years, where he also qualified as a tutor constable, he moved into a training role becoming a Learning & Development Officer.

In the same year Steve joined Norfolk Constabulary, he qualified as an accredited battlefield guide with the Guild of Battlefield Guides.

He has worked with a number of battlefield tour companies over the years and is lucky enough to conduct battlefield tours with school and adult groups. One of his main areas of expertise is taking families on small battlefield pilgrimages to locate where their family members served. 

He is also an accomplished author having had three books on Norfolk in WW1 and WW2 published in 2012 and 2014 and 2021. He is currently waiting for his fourth book to be published which will be about the 5th Battalion Norfolk Regiment at Gallipoli in August 1915.

Steve is an A1 Assessor and qualified trainer under the Preparing to Teach in the Lifelong Learning Sector (PTTLS) so recently he set up a battlefield guide training course with another accredited guide and he now trains others in what's required to be a battlefield guide.

This add-on is available as part of package tour with Adaptable Travel. Note, we do not offer daytrips.
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Moderate Risk
Elevated Risk
Water Immersion
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