St Michael's Mount

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As you approach Mount’s Bay and look out to sea, students will be amazed by the incredible sight os St Michaels’ Mount in the town of Marazion. With the right tides, you can cross the man-made causeway to reach this inhabited island which has a towering castle stood atop. You can also reach it by a short boat ride at high tide. As you step onto the island, you can climb the cobbled steps to the top of the mount and enter the castle where you can view historic artefacts, explore grand castle rooms and stand on top of the castle and look out to sea (please note, open Match – October).
This add-on is available as part of package tour with Adaptable Travel. Note, we do not offer daytrips.
TourTrust - Risk Category
We risk assess every tour add-on in line with our TourTrust school tour safety system. Find out more.