Sky Up

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Groups must book this visit with Sky directly.
Designed for students ranging form 8-18 years old, this fantastic visit allows your students to go behind the scenes at Sky Studios on a unique, hands-on learning experience.
Students can use the latest Sky technology including broadcast quality cameras, green screens and touch screen tablets to edit and make their own TV report, on a subject they choose relevant to their topic of study.
A team of Sky experts are on hand to guide your group through the experience and cutting edge technology. Your group will also get to see their finalised video production in addition to an online link to watch and share the video after your trip.
This add-on is available as part of package tour with Adaptable Travel. Note, we do not offer daytrips.
TourTrust - Risk Category
We risk assess every tour add-on in line with our TourTrust school tour safety system. Find out more.