Museum of London

The Museum of London is the largest and most comprehensive city museum in the world, proving a treat for any students who visit. The site is located close to the Barbican in central London and has been open to the public in this location since 1976. The museum tells the colourful story of London’s history from the earliest settlers to present-day London. Based in the heart of one of the most culturally diverse cities in the world the Museum of London is a fantastic experience for students to understand the story of this wonderful city and its people. This museum is home to exhibitions and galleries which primarily document the social history of the city and the people who have lived here throughout history. Spanning from early prehistoric periods through events such as wars and plagues and significant events that have shaped the city right up to the London we know and love today. On a self-guided tour of this museum, no stone is left unturned in a comprehensive educational experience. This museum delves into every area, industry and event that has shaped this fantastic city from wars to industrial revolutions, royal bloodlines to London’s fashion industry, no matter their subject area or interests’ students will discover something familiar and fascinating during their exploration of this museum.