Linen Hall Library

Awarded a Trip Advisor “Certificate of Excellence” Linen Hall Library is the oldest library to still exist in Belfast, founded in 1788 the building is over 200 years old and bursting with history from historic Belfast. As part of the Independent Libraries Association, the Linen Hall Library is working collectively with other members to preserve and promote the unique pages and chapters in the UK's history, spanning centuries. It is home to a renowned and undefeated collection of Irish and local studies materials which document prevalent chapters in the city’s history such as Early Belfast and the 350,000 in its political collection documenting the infamous “Troubles”. This vast and varied collection of literature is housed in a beautiful Victorian building, that of a former linen warehouse dating back to the period. Situated in Donegal Square the building sits opposite the equally stunning City Hall providing your students with two opportunities to marvel at the beautiful architecture this city has to offer.