Jorvik Viking Centre

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The Jorvik Viking Centre in York is a fantastic visit transporting your students to York’s historic past in an incredible immersive experience. Your group can explore the Viking settlement of Jorvik, brought to life once again on the very site where the remains were uncovered in the 1970’s. Students can experience an in-depth and interactive journey through the Viking settlement, discovering how Viking communities lived, worked, socialised complete with the sounds and smells of a Viking-age street! Refurbished in 2010 and housing a fantastic collection of artefacts and remains from the dig Jorvik lets your students get a unique glimpse at Viking life and promises to be an educational and exciting visit!
This add-on is available as part of package tour with Adaptable Travel. Note, we do not offer daytrips.
TourTrust - Risk Category
We risk assess every tour add-on in line with our TourTrust school tour safety system. Find out more.