Centre of the Cell

This visit is available from Adaptable Travel as part of an overnight school trips to London. Please note we do not offer daytrips.
Centre of the Cell is an science educational centre dedicated to inspiring curiosity and learning by connecting science to everyday life.
Your students will be able to witness research scientists at work as they enter medical and dentistry laboratories at the Centre, whilst learning about the amazing world of cells, the human body and the latest medical research.
There will even be at least one medical or dental student and/or a scientist joining you on your visit to enhance the overall learning experience; and answer any questions about science and careers in biomedicine.
The experience includes KS2 - KS5 curriculum-linked interactive games grounded in cell biology.
Many of these games feature footage of scientists describing their work, and involve games based on that research. The interactive games are enhanced by the films projected onto the ceiling of the Pod which introduce the concepts of cell biology and medical research. Students can also enjoy microscopes and specimens from the Pathology Museum such as the human brain, debate the ethical issues surrounding medical research and can learn about careers in cell biology.
Following this, Centre of the Cell can also provide fun-filled and curriculum-linked educational science theatre shows* and workshops* that can be delivered in school. They can range from 'Senssational' to the 'The Trauma Show' and many more!
*Workshops - Suitable up to approximately 30 students
*Theatre Shows - Suitable up to 120 students, suitable for any age as long as they can understand content