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Calculate your school Travel Insurance costs

Use our calculator to find out how much it will cost to add travel insurance to your tour.

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School Trip VISA Information

Adaptable Travel cannot arrange visas for most destinations as most embassies do not work with tour operators such as ourselves. If you are unsure whether you need a visa, we recommend you contact the embassy of your country for advice.

Please note, until we are notified otherwise, all visa arrangements remain the same after Brexit. As soon as the UK government update their Brexit publications on travel we will update this page.  For more information on the impacts of Brexit on UK/EU passport holders, please follow our Brexit page here.


What you need to show at the UK border will not change immediately if the UK leaves the EU without a deal.

You’ll need to show a valid passport or national identity card if you’re a citizen of either:
• an EU country
• Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway or Switzerland

EEA national identity cards will be phased out for travel to the UK during 2020.

If you’re not a citizen of one of these countries, you’ll need to show a valid passport.

You can still enter the UK using a passport which expires in less than 6 months.


If you or any student in your group is not from the EU, we urge you to check with their local embassy for advice.

We cannot be responsible for any passenger who is unable to travel due to incorrect documentation. It is the responsiblity of the student/parent to check VISA requirements.

We would suggest in most cases that the relevant party check with their National embassy for advice on what visa is required for the destination they are travelling to. Adaptable Travel can provide proof of travel and/or booking documentation to assist the application if required.

There are a few instances where we can provide advice on visas, some of which will be listed below.



It is now a requirement for all UK citizens travelling to the USA to obtain an Electronic System for Travel Authorisation (ESTA). The ESTA must be applied for in advance via the official website


A visa is required for entry to China. Please enquire at the embassy of your country or enquire for information on how Adaptable Travel may be able to help.


All group members need to apply for an individual e-visa online. This needs to be done by each passenger directly and Adaptable Travel cannot organise this for you. Please follow the links below for information. All UK Citizens will be issued with 3 month multi-entry visa. Visa fee is currently £10pp. (for information) (to apply use only the official website).


Currently, UK passport holders do not require visas to enter Japan. If you have anyone from outside the UK in your group, please check with their embassy for further information.

SectionBenefitsCover LimitsExcess
1Cancellation or curtailment charges
Aggregate limit
(£20 loss of deposit)
2Emergency medical & other expenses
Emergency dental treatmentReplacement group leader
3Personal accident
1. i. Death benefit (aged under 16)
Death benefit (aged 16 to 64)
ii. Loss of limbs or sight (aged under 16)
Loss of limbs or sight (aged 16 to 64)
iii. Permanent total disablement (aged under 16)
Permanent total disablement (aged 16 to 64)
2. Death benefit (aged under 16)
Death benefit (aged 16 to 64)
4Baggage (Including valuables)
a) Single article, pair or set limit
b) Valuables limit in total
Group Equipment
5Group money, passport & documents
1. a) Currency, notes and coins
b) Other group money and documents
2. Passport or visa
6Personal Liability£2,000,000£100
Additional Bespoke Features Included
SectionBenefitsCover LimitsExcess
81. Delayed Departure
2. Cancellation of trip (after 12 hrs)
£20 per 12 hrs up to £100
9Missed departure£500£50
10Hospital benefit £15 per day up to £300£0