What Your Accommodation Must Know Before Check-InWhat Your Accommodation Must Know Before Check-In

What Your Accommodation Must Know Before Check-In

What Your Accommodation Must Know Before Check-In

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This resource looks at what important information needs to be passed to your accommodation, in most cases prior to arrival.

When organizing a school trip, accommodating additional needs is crucial to ensure all students are included and comfortable. Dietary requirements, whether medical, cultural, or religious, must be communicated to the accommodation in advance. Schools should ensure that any dietary restrictions are backed by a medical statement, if necessary, particularly for severe allergies.

Cultural and religious considerations, such as prayer times or dietary restrictions like Halal or Kosher meals, should be respected and planned for.

Please note, not all overseas accommodation can cater to all requests, so it is important any specific requests are made at the quotation stage before you book your trip.

Dietary Requirements need to be passed to accommodation (and restaurants) before arrival. Most accommodations will cater for specific dietary needs. However please note some destinations are less accommodating than others and as such, specific needs should be discussed before booking to best ensure specific needs can be met.

Gender inclusion is also essential, with accommodations arranged to ensure all students feel safe and respected, regardless of their gender identity. Arrangements for trans and non-binary rooming will need to be made in line with the school policy and what is possible in the accommodation setting. The accommodation will require a full breakdown of student names and sex before arrival and to provide a rooming list.

A comprehensive name list, including any medical conditions, allergies, and dietary needs, should be prepared. This list should be shared with the accommodation and kept on hand by group leaders to handle any situation that arises effectively. The names list is often accompanied by a rooming list, to detail who will share what rooms. In almost all cases, this is determined in advance to aid the check-in process.

Lastly, it's recommended to brief the accommodation staff on these needs beforehand to ensure a smooth and inclusive experience for everyone involved. This planning not only fosters inclusivity but also ensures that the trip is enjoyable and stress-free for all participants.

SectionBenefitsCover LimitsExcess
1Cancellation or curtailment charges
Aggregate limit
(£20 loss of deposit)
2Emergency medical & other expenses
Emergency dental treatmentReplacement group leader
3Personal accident
1. i. Death benefit (aged under 16)
Death benefit (aged 16 to 64)
ii. Loss of limbs or sight (aged under 16)
Loss of limbs or sight (aged 16 to 64)
iii. Permanent total disablement (aged under 16)
Permanent total disablement (aged 16 to 64)
2. Death benefit (aged under 16)
Death benefit (aged 16 to 64)
4Baggage (Including valuables)
a) Single article, pair or set limit
b) Valuables limit in total
Group Equipment
5Group money, passport & documents
1. a) Currency, notes and coins
b) Other group money and documents
2. Passport or visa
6Personal Liability£2,000,000£100
Additional Bespoke Features Included
SectionBenefitsCover LimitsExcess
81. Delayed Departure
2. Cancellation of trip (after 12 hrs)
£20 per 12 hrs up to £100
9Missed departure£500£50
10Hospital benefit £15 per day up to £300£0