£167m School Trips Boost
Participation in school trips has today been given the backing of a £167m fund from government.
The Training and Development Agency for Schools (TDA) is helping schools improve access to extracurricular activities for economically disadvantaged children, by providing a £167m fund that can be used for activities including school trips.
BMRB research identifies that 80 percent of school leaders feel disadvantaged pupils struggle to afford activities such as school trips. However, this new pot of money will be used to help fund disadvantaged pupils for activities including school trips.
Adaptable Travel have recently given a further boost to those wanting to take part in school trips by announcing our new Price Promise Guarantee. Adaptable Travel strongly believes that school trips should be accessible to all, no matter what their budget. That is why we are determined to bring down the cost of school trips for all by introducing our new price promise guarantee.
Contact us today for help in organising your next school trip.