Making the Most of English and Performing Arts School Trips
Making the Most of English and Performing Arts School Trips
English and Performing Arts school trips are absolutely key in igniting the passions of writing and drama in students. However, destinations for English and drama school trips are not always quite as obvious as other subjects such as history and geography - this isn’t to say however that they are any less pivotal in the nurturing of your student’s learning for these subjects.
Below, we’ve pulled together three of our favourite English and Performing Arts school trips that we think will ensure that you make the most of exploring and highlighting some of the key points of both subjects in an engaging and curriculum-friendly way.
London Theatre Trips
We’re incredibly lucky in the UK to have such incredible theatre performances on our doorstep. There is no better way to inspire your drama students than by giving them a taste of the absolute crème de la crème of theatre. With a huge variety of shows - from Shrek to Les Mis and Shakespeare, there’s enough variety to cover a range of desired themes and topics.
Here at Adaptable Travel, not only do we arrange tips to London theatre productions for all of the current leading shows, we also offer theatre workshops which enhance your tour and take lead from the professionals, becoming immersed in the West End and learning what it really takes to be part of the theatre industry. We have connections with Pineapple Dance Studio, Theatre Workout and several other world class groups, these theatre masterclasses are a once in a lifetime opportunity.
Last but not least, we also arrange school trips to Shakespeare’s globe so that your students can witness Shakespeare’s plays the way they were intended - it’s not secret that his plays were meant to be watched not read.
Find out more about our London theatre trips
Dublin English & Drama School Trips
Dublin, being the capital of Ireland, is among the top 30 cities in the world and is a hub of history, culture, education, theatre, literature and art.
Dublin has produced many prominent literary figures in its time, such as George Bernard Shaw, Oscar Wilde, Jonathan Swift and none other than Dracula’s creator, Bram Stoker! Walking along the same roads as these literary heroes will help to inspire your budding English scholars and give them context to the thoughts and backgrounds of these authors.
Dublin is also home to some of Ireland’s largest libraries and literary museums, including the National Library of Ireland. In July 2010, Dublin was named as a UNESCO City of Literature, joining Edinburgh, Melbourne and Iowa City with the permanent title - if this isn’t the perfect location for your English students, we’re struggling to think what is!
Finally, Dublin’s infamous theatre scene is not to be missed! There are several theatres within Dublin, with many a famous thespian emerging from them - Brendan Gleeson, Colin Farrell and Michael Gambon all made their mark in the roots of Dublin’s theatres. With a choice of Gaiety, Abbey, Olympia, Gate and Grand Canal, you can pick from a variety of Irish and international performances as well as smaller productions to ensure your students enjoy a vast selection of theatrical works - don’t forget about Irish dancing too!
Read more about our Dublin English and drama school trips
Stratford-Upon-Avon English & Drama School Trips
Stratford Upon Avon should be at the top of your list for English and drama school trips. Set right in the middle of the country, it’s easily accessible to most schools around the UK. This is a hugely enriching destination for your students as it boasts over 800 incredible years of history and of course, is the birthplace one of the most talented and successful play writes of all time - William Shakespeare!
The town itself is beautiful and intriguing, giving your students the opportunity to walk around Shakespeare’s home, where he created some of his most famous work in Halls Croft and Nashes house. Here at Adaptable Travel, we also offer a toured guide of Stratford with a Shakespearian actor who will show you the best parts of the city specifically tailored to your group. You will also be bale to experience some of Shakespeare’s plays and workshops! A school trip to Stratford is truly a fantastic opportunity for performing arts, English and history students alike.
See more about our Stratford-Upon-Avon English and drama school trips