8 Benefits of School Trips!

It sounds cliché to say, but here at Adaptable Travel we know that first-hand experiences, travel and experiencing the world are the best teachers out there, second only to yourselves of course! If you’re feeling a disconnect with your school trips, contemplating the benefits or trying to figure out how to pitch them to department heads, parents and head teachers fear not!
At Adaptable Travel we pride ourselves on…well our Adaptability! We know that budgets vary, and situations can change, and we truly believe that budget shouldn’t stand in the way of students having incredible experiences and making the most out of the “best days of their lives!”. This is why we operate the way we do, offering trips all around the globe from domestic travel around the UK and Ireland to further afield in Europe, America and even Asia. We pack our tours, school trips and events with thrilling, engaging and unique curriculum and enrichment experiences seamlessly combining learning with leisure and great memories. We’ve been doing this for 25 years this year, and we’ve come to develop an understanding for school trips as some of the most important resources and tools that teachers have at their fingertips. They’re not only great ways to engage students with subjects but perfect opportunities to enhance their social skills and academic, emotional and personal development.
In this blog we’re going to be highlighting the ways in which travel, near or far will enrich not only your students learning, but their lives, their development and your classroom relationship with your group.
Keep reading for the ultimate school trip inspiration!
1. Performance and Achievement
Stepping outside of the usual classroom environment and bringing a subject to life for comes with its own unique excitement and thrill for students, that undeniable 'school trip feeling'. According to OFSTED, external, interactive learning activites tie learning to personal experiences and memories, helping students develop a deeper understanding of subjects and topics. This often promotes better behaviour, achievement and involvement back in the classroom. At Adaptable Travel we’ve been awarded the Quality Badge by the Council for Learning Outside the Classroom (LOtC) and we’re pretty proud of it! This same council collaborated with Teacher Voice and found that almost 90% of teachers felt LOtC experiences positively impacted their groups. So, it’s not only us who know the value of these experiences but an overwhelming number of teachers too! We just make it easier for you to plan the perfect school trip!
2. Cultural Understanding
Global travel and even travel across the UK can help students explore the world around them and the wonderful mixture of cultures. cuisines, and traditions that make up this colourful tapestry we call home. Amidst the sea of differences which exist between one culture and the next there’s a familiarity, a common ground and plenty of shared loves throughout the globe. Travel in this way is an excellent opportunity for students to experience cultures outside of their own and understand these shared loves such as music, art and history, celebrating the elements which bring us all together. Students can also get a first-hand view of how their culture has leant elements to others and vice versa, unearthing the unique origins, meanings and interpretations within each culture.
3. Empathy and Compassion
Educational trips allow students to experience, witness and understand the hardships faced by others, both now and throughout history. When exposed to different cultures, races and religions students can develop a crucial understanding that despite differences in views, languages, appearances, religions and cultural traditions we are all the same, simply Humans with emotions, rights and opinions. These experiences will help students to understand the histories, hardships, highs and lows of countries, communities and individuals on a much wider scale, understanding new perspectives.
4. Relationships and Communication
Who amongst us recognises that unique look students give each other when you utter the words “you can work together and chose your partners”? It’s no secret that given the chance students will always gravitate towards their friends during group tasks, who wouldn’t? On school trips however, classes experience learning outside the classroom environment, going through experiences together and building relationships outside of their usual groups. Students develop a unique relationship bonding through mutual interests and the shared memories and experiences. This will benefit the dynamic not only with each other but with you, the teachers. These experiences equip them with new skills for collaborative work, group discussions and group tasks, enhancing their performance and achievement in these activities.
5. Social Skills and Confidence
Lack of confidence in public speaking, conversational skills and the dreaded presentation are often issues which students struggle with, ultimately limiting them from reaching and performing at their true potential. Travel, and educational trips challenge students who may be shy or find it difficult to engage with unfamiliar people, to step out of their comfort zone and face these issues head on. Asking for directions, asking questions to staff at visits and even ordering food while travelling make social interaction unavoidable, and will boost students’ confidence every time they encounter it. As a result, you may find classroom engagement and involvement increases in all the right places!
6. Past, Present and Future
Travel and school trips are an excellent way for students to gain a better insight of the world around them, from political, economic and societal stand points. Experiences like educational trips will not only allow students to view a country and culture as it is today but explore how it got there through its history and where it’s heading in the future. Hands on, first-hand experiences allow students to develop their own, more rounded understanding of countries and cultures rather than what they hear in the media and get taught in the classroom.
7. SEN Benefits
The additional stimulation experienced on school trips and educational visits can prove pricelessly beneficial to SEN students. For many SEN students, visual and sensory experiences and cues benefit their grasp and deepened understanding of topics being covered and these experiences outside the classroom promote positive engagement with people, places, activities and new environments. That being said, it’s important to remember that certain SEN students may feel overwhelmed by such stimulants and unfamiliar environments. Don’t let this put you off booking a rewarding school trip, get in touch with us and we will try out utmost to accommodate the needs and requirements of your group.
8. Student and Teacher Benefits
School trips have vast benefits to the dynamic between teachers and their groups, with a huge majority of students in Secondary schools and higher feeling that experiences like these gave their teachers a better idea of how they like to learn and the type of learner they are. The residential trip process means that you and your group are making shared memories and spending far longer together than you would on an average school day. Without disrupting the dynamic between student and teacher these create a bond, a respect and another layer to the rewarding role of a teacher. Not only will your students’ benefit academically, your classroom environment and student teacher relationship will benefit too!
If you’re looking at booking a school trip but don’t know where to start, browse our tours, by subject, location and stage or get in touch with us and we’ll be more than happy to provide you with some inspirational ideas to get you started.