Please note, we do not offer daytrips. This visit can only be booked as part of one of our overnight trip packages.
Museo Taurino de Madrid

Museo Taurino de Madrid

Museo Taurino offers teachers a remarkable opportunity to delve into Spain's iconic bullfighting tradition while engaging students in a dynamic exploration of history, art, and society. At Museo Taurino, your students will not only witness the intricate artistry of matadors but also gain a deeper understanding of the historical significance that bullfighting holds within Spanish culture. With meticulously curated exhibits featuring exquisite costumes, vintage posters, and a wealth of artifacts, this experience encourages thought-provoking discussions on cultural preservation, ethical considerations, and the intersection of tradition and modernity. Let your students discover the vibrant tapestry of Spain's heritage at Museo Taurino, fostering both cultural appreciation and critical thinking.